
Learn About

The United Church of Christ

The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians

that come together as one church to join faith and action. 

With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S.,

the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. 

The UCC is a church

of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where

"…they may all be one." (John 17:21).

A Brief History of the UCC

The UCC is a relatively new denomination, founded in 1957 in Cleveland, Ohio. The national headquarters are still there.  It was created with the merger of the Evangelical & Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches. Each of those churches had in turn been created with mergers of other churches: From the earliest times, the churches which have become the UCC has been a church of firsts:

- 1777:   The Liberty Bell is hidden from the British under the floorboards of Zion Reformed Church in Philadelphia

- 1785:  The first African American ordained by Protestant Demonation: Lemuel Haynes

- 1839:   Abolitionists like Congregationalist Joshua Leavitt work to free the slaves who revolted on the ship Amistad.

- 1853:   Antoinette Brown is the first woman ordained as a Christian minister,

- 1889:   The Deaconess Society, Home, and Hospital are all founded in St. Louis

- 1943:   Reinhold Niebuhr, from Wright City, MO, preaches a sermon containing what we now know as the Serenity Prayer

- 1959:   Everett Parker, of the UCC's Office of Communication wins a court case against TV stations repressing news 

- 1972:   Ordination of the first openly gay minister – Rev. William R. Johnson.

- 1985:   The General Synod adopts a resolution for churches to actively welcome members of the LGBT community into the church,

- 1993:   The UCC apologies to the Native Hawaiians for their actions taken during 1820-50.

- 1995:  The first hymnal is published that honors both male and female images of God: The New Century Hymnal

- 2005:  A Marriage Equality Resolution supporting same gender marriage is adopted at the General Synod

Source:  The United Church of Christ's Firsts 

For more about the history of the United Church of Christ, click here.